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Students are expected to give at least two talks during their participation in IMPRS, both on own research and on journal papers. The talks should be for students by students.

The 17th IMPRS Student Symposium will take place
6/7 June 2024


Invited Speakers:
Amelia Fraser-McKelvie (ESO)
Efrain Gatuzz (MPE)
Julia Stadler (MPA)
Marta De Simone (ESO)

Galaxy Formation and Evolution
High Energy Astrophysics
Black Holes and Cosmology
Star and Planet Formation

Local Organising Committee:
Chair: Eimear Gallagher (ESO)
Other mebers: Lara Alvo Piscarreta (ESO), Markus Anetjärvi (MPE), Jelke Bethlehem (MPE), Şafak Celik (MPA), Sankalp Choudhuri (MPA), Diane Delley (MPE), Laura Di Federico (USM), Huangshengzhi Ding (MPE), and Felipe Lohmann (ESO).