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Previous Courses
This page provides information on the previous courses and their contents taught at the IMPRS on Astrophysics. Also you will find information about previous programming courses.
IMPRS-Courses 2001-2023
Dec. 2024 | Essential processes in the ISM: The interplay of gas, dust, and cosmic rays Prof. Dr. Alexei Ivlev (MPE) |
Oct. 2024 | Astrochemistry and Star/Planet Formation Prof. Dr. Paola Caselli (MPE) |
Nov. 2023 | Astrobiology - an Overview Dr. M. Kissler-Patig (ESA, Madrid, Spain) |
Oct. 2023 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Daniel Grün, Prof. Dr. Kevin Heng (LMU) |
June 2023 | Large Scale Structure Dr. Fabian Schmidt (MPA) |
May 2023 | Astrophysics of Black Holes Dr. Andrea Merloni (MPE) |
March 2023 | Cosmic Structure Formation Prof. Dr. Volker Springel (MPA) |
Nov. 2022 | Galaxy evolution from the galaxies’ perspective Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE) |
Oct. 2022 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert, Mark Huchison PhD (LMU) |
June 2022 | Galactic Dynamics PD Dr. Ortwin Gerhard (MPE) |
May 2022 | Astrostatistics: Bayesian Methods for Astronomers Dr. Stefano Andreon (INAF-Osservatorio di Brera) |
March 2022 | Gravitational Wave Astrophysics Dr. A. Hamers (MPA) |
Nov/Dec 2021 | Stellar Evolution Prof. Dr. A. Weiss (MPA) |
Oct. 2021 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Josehp Mohr, Prof. Dr. Daniel Grün (LMU) |
June 2021 | AGN Physics Prof. Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
Apr. 2021 | Astrophysical Dynamics: From Planets and Stars to Supermassive Black Holes Dr. Adrian Hamers (MPA) |
Nov. 2020 | Cosmic Microwave Background Prof. Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA) |
Nov. 2020 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert, Dr. Mark Huchison (LMU) |
Oct. 2020 | Stellar Populations Dr. Marina Rejkuba (ESO) |
Mar. 2020 | Galaxy Formation Prof. Dr. Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA) |
Jan. 2020 | Astrobiology - an Overview Dr. Markus Kissler-Patig (ESA, Madrid, Spain) |
Nov. 2019 | Cosmic Structure Formation Prof. Dr. Volker Springel (MPA) |
Oct. 2019 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Thomas Preibisch, Prof. Dr. Josehp Mohr (LMU) |
Oct. 2019 | Radiative Transfer and Stellar Atmospheres PD Dr. Joachim Puls (LMU) |
May 2019 | Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy - Practical Introduction Dr. Miwa Goto (LMU) |
April 2019 | Galaxy Evolution from the Galaxies' Perspective: from interstellar gas, to stars, to black holes and back Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE) |
Feb. 2019 | Astrophysics on Black Holes Dr. Andrea Merloni (MPE) |
Jan. 2019 | High Resolution Imaging Methods in Astronomy Dr. Andreas Glindemann (ESO) |
Oct. 2018 | Introductory Course Profs. Dr. Thomas Preibisch, Dr. Til Birnstiel, Dr. Walter Dehnen (LMU) |
July 2018 | The Homogeneous Universe and Large Scale Structure Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
Apr. 2018 | Astrostatistics: Bayesian Methods for Astronomers Dr. Stefano Andreon (INAF-Osservatorio di Brera) |
Mar. 2018 | AGN Physics Prof. Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
Jan. 2018 | Stellar Evolution Prof. Dr. Achim Weiss (MPA) |
Nov. 2017 | Astrochemistry and Star/Planet Formation Prof. Dr. Paola Caselli (MPE) |
Oct. 2017 | High Energy Processes and Objects Prof. Dr. Marat Gilfanov (MPA) |
Oct. 2017 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Joseph Mohr (LMU), Prof. Dr. Thomas Preibisch (LMU) |
July 2017 | Observational and Experimental X-ray astronomy Prof. Dr. Kripal Nandra (MPE) et. al. |
April 2017 | Cosmic Microwave Background Prof. Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA) |
Jan. 2017 | Astrophysics on Black Holes Dr. Andrea Merloni (MPE) |
Oct. 2016 | Galactic Dynamics and Evolution of Galaxies Prof. Dr. Ortwin Gerhard (MPE) |
Oct. 2016 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Jochen Weller (LMU), Prof. Dr. Tommaso Giannantonio (LMU) |
July 2016 | Quarks in Astronomy
Prof. Dr. Fridolin Weber (San Diego State University) |
June 2016 | Radiative Transfer and Stellar Atmospheres
PD Dr. Joachim Puls (LMU) |
May 2016 | Galaxy Evolution from the Galaxies' Perspective:
from interstellar gas, to stars, to black holes and back Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE) |
April 2016 | High-energy Astrophysics: Gamma- and Cosmic Ray Aspects Prof. Dr. Roland Diehl (MPE) |
Jan. 2016 | Astrostatistics: Bayesian Methods for Astronomers Dr. Stefano Andreon (INAF-Osservatorio di Brera) |
Dec. 2015 | Galaxy Formation Prof. Dr. Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA) |
Oct. 2015 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Joseph Mohr (LMU), Prof. Dr. Thomas Preibisch (LMU) |
July 2015 | The Homogeneous Universe and Large Scale Structure Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
June 2015 | AGN Physics Prof. Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
May 2015 | Astrochemistry and Star/Planet Formation Prof. Dr. Paola Caselli (MPE) |
Jan. 2015 | Cosmic Microwave Background Prof. Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA) |
Dec. 2014 | Relational Database Fundamentals Prof. Dr. Luciano Nicastro (INAF Bologna) |
Oct. 2014 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
June 2014 | Astrophysics on Black Holes Dr. Andrea Merloni (MPE) |
May 2014 | Introduction to Astrostatistics Prof. Dr. Guenter Boese (MPE) |
April 2014 | High Energy Processes and Objects Prof. Dr. Marat Gilfanov (MPA) |
March 2014 | Radiative Transfer and Stellar Atmospheres PD Dr. Joachim Puls (LMU) |
Feb. 2014 | The Interstellar Matter Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert et al. (LMU) |
Jan. 2014 | Stellar Evolution Dr. Achim Weiss (MPA) |
Nov. 2013 | Galaxy Formation Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA) |
Oct. 2013 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
July 2013 | Physics of Compact Stars Prof. Dr. Fridolin Weber (San Diego State Univ.) |
June 2013 | Accretion, Jets and Gamma-Ray Bursts Prof. Dr. Henk Spruit (MPA) |
April 2013 | Galaxy Evolution from the Galaxies' Perspective: from Interstellar Gas, to Stars, to Black Holes and Back Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE) |
Feb. 2013 | The Homogeneous Universe and Large Scale Structure Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
Jan. 2013 | Cosmic Microwave Background Prof. Dr. Eiichiro Komatsu (MPA) |
Dec. 2012 | AGN Physics Prof. Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
Oct. 2012 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Joseph Mohr (LMU), Prof. Dr. Thomas Preibisch (LMU) |
Sept. 2012 | High Energy Astrophysics - X-ray Aspects Prof. Dr. Kirpal Nandra (MPE) |
April 2012 | High-Energy Astrophysics – Gamma – and Cosmic Ray Aspects Prof. Dr. Roland Diehl (MPE) |
Feb. 2012 | Astrophysical Black Holes Dr. Andrea Merloni (MPE) |
Jan. 2012 | Galactic Dynamics and Evolution of Galaxies Prof. Dr. Ortwin Gerhard (MPE) |
Nov. 2011 | The Homogeneous Universe and Large-Scale Structure Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
Oct. 2011 | Stellar Evolution Prof. Dr. Achim Weiss (MPA) |
Oct. 2011 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert (LMU), Dr. Barbara Ercolano (LMU) |
Nov. 2010 | Observational Astrophysics – Optical to Radio Wavelength Range Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE) |
Oct. 2010 | Introduction to Cosmology and Large Scale Structure Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
Sept. 2010 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
April 2010 | Observational Astrophysics & Physics of Accretion Discs PD Dr. Roland Diehl (MPE), Dr. Hendrik Spruit (MPA) |
April 2009 | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure & Stellar Structure Prof. Dr. H.Böhringer (MPE), Dr. Torsten Ensslin (MPA), Prof. Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
Oct. 2009 | Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), Prof. Dr. Ortwin Gerhard (MPE), Dr. Volker Springel (MPA) |
April 2008 | Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert (LMU) & Dr. Fabian Heitsch (MPA) |
Sept. 2008 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
Oct. 2008 | Observational Astrophysics & Stellar Atmospheres Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE), PD Dr. Roland Diehl (MPE), Dr. Hendrik Spruit (MPA) |
April 2007 | Observational Astrophysics & Stellar Atmospheres Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE), Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger (MPE), PD Dr. Joachim Puls (LMU) |
Sept. 2007 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
Oct. 2007 | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure & Stellar Structure PD Dr. Peter Schuecker (MPE), Dr. Torsten Enslin (MPA), Dr. Alvio Renzini (ESO), Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
April 2006 | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure & Stellar Structure PD Dr. Peter Schuecker (MPE), Dr. Torsten Ensslin (MPA), Dr. Alvio Renzini (ESO), Prof. Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE) |
Sept. 2006 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
Nov. 2006 | Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert (LMU) & Dr. Fabian Heitsch (MPA) |
April 2005 | Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert (LMU) & Dr. Fabian Heitsch (MPA) |
Sept. 2005 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
Oct. 2005 | Observational Astrophysics & Stellar Structure Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE), Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger (MPE), Dr. Hendrik Spruit (MPA) |
March 2004 | Observational Astrophysics & Stellar Structure Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE), Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger (MPE), Dr. Hendrik Spruit (MPA) |
Sept. 2004 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE), PD Dr. Roberto Saglia (LMU/MPE) |
Sept. 2004 | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure, AGNs PD Dr. Peter Schuecker (MPE), Dr. Torsten Ensslin (MPA), PD Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE), PD Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE), Dr. Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA) |
March 2003 | Cosmology, Large Scale Structure, AGNs PD Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE), PD Dr. Peter Schuecker (MPE), PD Dr. Matthias Bartelmann (MPA), Dr. Guinevere Kauffmann (MPA), PD Dr. Thomas Boller (MPE) |
Sept. 2003 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE) |
Sept. 2003 | Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), PD Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE), PD Dr. Dieter Breitschwerdt (MPE) |
March 2002 | Observational Astrophysics & Stellar Structure Prof. Dr. Reinhard Genzel (MPE), Prof. Dr. Günther Hasinger (MPE), PD Dr. Achim Weiss (MPA), PD Dr. Joachim Puls (LMU) |
Sept. 2002 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE) |
Galaxy & Galaxies, ISM Prof. Dr. Simon White (MPA), PD Dr. Matthias Bartelmann (MPA), PD Dr. Hans Böhringer (MPE), PD Dr. Dieter Breitschwerdt (MPE) | |
Sept. 2001 | Introductory Course Prof. Dr. Ralf Bender (LMU/MPE) |
IMPRS Programming Courses/Soft Skill Courses
October 2024 | Career Development for PhDs and Postdocs Dr. Tina Persson, Planck Academy |
July 2024 | Scientific Writing Dr. Carsten Rohr, Planck Academy |
April 2024 | Optical Imaging with Remote Telescopes Nik Szymanek |
January 2022 | Project and Time Management for Scientists Dr. Alexander Britz |
October 2021 | Scripting with Python Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
October 2021 | Strong and positive during the doctorate - Stress management for PhD students Harald Roth (Techniker Krankenkasse) |
September 2021 | Scripting with Git & Shell Dr. Severin Reiz (TUM) |
July 2021 | Presentation of the Max Planck Industry Track Anne Grewlich-Gercke (MPG) |
May 2021 | Leadership and Career Development Dr. Alexander Britz |
June 2019 | MATLAB Workshop - Analysis with MATLAB made easy Dr. Philip Laserstein (The MathWorks GmbH) |
May 2019 | Python Programming Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
March 2019 | Bash / Git Programming Severin Reiz and Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
January 2019 | Strong and positive during the doctorate - Stress management for PhD students Harald Roth (Techniker Krankenkasse) |
June 2018 | Relational database fundamentals Prof. Dr. Luciano Nicastro (INAF Bologna) |
June 2018 | Presentation skill enhancement - Workshop for female scientists Viola Morlinghaus (ResonanzBerlin) |
April - July 2018 | Strong and positive during the doctorate - Stress management for PhD students Harald Roth (Techniker Krankenkasse) |
March 2017 | Git/Bash/Python Programming Moritz August (TUM); Alfredo Parra Hinojosa (TUM) |
Nov. 2016 | Effective Presentation - Talks and Posters Alexander Schiller (Schiller & Mertens) |
March 2015 | C+/++ Programming Course Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
Feb. 2015 | Bash/Python Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
Oct 2013 | Bash/Python Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
Aug. 2012 | Bash/Python Dr. Tobias Neckel (TUM) |
June 2012 | Fortran Programming Course Prof. Dr. Fridolin Weber (San Diego State University) |
May 2012 | IDL Programming Course Dr. Wolfgang Glatz (Exelis, Visual Information Solutions) |
May 2012 | C/C++ Programming Course Dr. T. Weinzierl (TUM) |
March 2012 | Introduction to EU funding opportunities Julia Epp (MPQ, EU Büro) |
June/July 2011 | C/C++ Programming Course Dr. Tobias Weinzierl (TUM) |
May 2011 | Bash/Python Course Martin Bucholz (TUM), Dirk Pflüger (TUM) |
April 2011 | Rules of Good Scientific Practice Prof. Dr. Werner Becker (MPE) |
March 2011 | Job Opportunities after PhD Dr. J. Huebner (DLR) |
March 2011 | IDL Programming Course |
June 2010 | C/C++ Programming Course Dr. Tobias Weinzierl (TUM) |
July 2008 | Mathematica Workshop Additive GmbH |