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Selection & Admission

Applications will be reviewed by an Admissions Committee that includes faculty members of the participating institutes. Candidates will be selected based on their academic qualifications, recommendations, and their performance during an interview.


An important part of the selection procedure will be an interview by several faculty members for which the applicants under consideration will be invited to our selection workshop. At the workshop applicants are supposed to give a short presentation (15min) of their research work. Additionally, the workshop will give the opportunity to meet the training faculty, to visit the participating scientific institutions, and to learn more about life in Munich. Applicants who are invited to Munich for the recuitment days, will receive financial assistance for travel and accommodation expenses. The interview will be held on site during the at the workshop or alternatively, it may be conducted remotely.

The student selection workshop and the interviews for students who applied in 2024 are scheduled to take place February 10-12, 2025.


Decisions about admission will be made each year after the requitment workshop until around the start of April. All students not selected will be notified thereafter. Admission to the program may be dependent on the fulfillment of certain requirements that need to be met before the start of the new academic year (e.g. completion of a degree, completion of credit courses, participation in an English language course).