Prof. Dr. Daniel Grün
Daniel Gruen holds the chair of astrophysics, cosmology, and artificial intelligence at the Physics Department and University Observatory of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. He obtained his M.Sc. and PhD at LMU in 2011 and 2015, working on weak gravitational lensing analyses with his graduate advisors Prof. Ralf Bender (LMU), Dr. Stella Seitz (LMU), and Prof. Gary Bernstein (University of Pennsylvania). He was awarded a NASA Einstein Fellowship in 2015 to pursue postdoctoral work on cosmological surveys with Prof. Steve Allen, Prof. Aaron Roodman and Prof. Risa Wechsler at Stanford University, while leading the Dark Energy Survey weak gravitational lensing working group. In 2019 he took up a Panofsky Fellowship and junior research group leader position at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford's Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology. His move to Munich in 2021 was made possible by being awarded a new chair as part of Bavaria's artificial intelligence initiative.
Research interests:
- Cosmology, Dark energy, Dark matter
- Galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure
- Weak gravitational lensing
- Photometric and spectroscopic surveys
- Artificial intelligence as a precise and accurate statistical tool
Contact Address
Prof. Dr. Daniel Gruen
Universitaets-Sternwarte Muenchen
Scheinerstrasse 1
81679 München, Germany
E-Mail: dgruen @
Phone: +49-89-5166-1960